Mittwoch, 9. September 2009

Dear Readers

last Sunday I've returned from a longer trip to carribean. It was wonderful and I really enjoyed it. This monday I received a letter from a law firm. As announced in the official EFI-X™ forum by Wilhem von Vnukov, ASEM issued legal action against me, sending me a cease-and-desist (in german: Abmahnung). I cannot give further details here, because it's a open legal case.

Together with my lawyer we have worked out a acceptable solution. Unfortunately this solution demands that I never again can say anything negative about EFI-X™ or ASEM. I'm also demanded to remove all posts and articles about ASEM and EFI-X™ in my Blog, in different forums and even in Google. I have to start cleaning up before this Friday. I feel very sorry for doing this, but I am only a private person and I do not have such a strong financial background like a company. Coram iudice et in alto mare in manu dei soli sumus. But I'm also quite sure that things will go on without my person being part of it.

OK folks, enough with ASEM and EFI-X™. I'm done with them. ¡Ya... Se acabó!

In the future I will devote myself to support the forum and the Chameleon based solution. To bring it up and running on your machines and maybe I can help to improve Chameleon further, for instance in terms of cd/dvd boot support.

Sincerely yours

5 Kommentare:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that i've been permanently banned from the "Official Efi-X support and user forum" for linking to this article.

    That's what they are taking care of. But a statement to the V1/Snow Leopard situation is still missing. I was unhappy before but now I am really angry!!!

  2. wie sind die an Deine Adresse gekommen ?


  3. bad move here - you should anonymously submit to wikileaks imho

  4. That's ridiculous! Thanks for sharing - haven't got much money myself but donated a few euros. Sorry to hear you have to deal with this crap!

  5. Von mir auch großes Beileid.
    Als ich vor einem dreiviertel Jahr auf EFI-X gekommen war, traf ich ein paar Jungs persönlich in einer Kneipe und alles schien extrem vielversprechend.
    Inzwischen hat sich meine meinung zu den Jungs auch radikal geändert. Bedauerlicherweise hatte ich auch wo ich nur konnte EFI-X als Empfehlung ausgesprochen, aber das wird sich nun ändern!

    So ein Verhalten von diesen Jungs ist absolut nicht zu tolerieren und ich werde mein bestes geben starken Gegenwind gegen diesen Verein zu geben!

    Die werden so nicht mehr lange existieren.
